Bukhatir Group

The Bukhatir Group brought us in to help with their digital transformation. As with most large organizations running their own data centers, they needed to modernize their infrastructure to take advantage of the scale, cost, and availability benefits that migrating to the cloud offers…

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Ibrahim Al.Qurashi

IAQ wanted to solve all the problems they were facing with regards to the reliability, performance, and latency of their online platform, and following our experts’ investigations and discussions with the client team, the cause for IAQ’s problems was determined to be with their Database. Our team of experts first started with AWS Well-Architected…

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Bespin Global’s expert team architected and deployed a highly-available, automated SaaS environment for the KIDZONET app, using AWS platform capabilities to deliver optimal efficiency at the desired price point…

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DMN Global

Once we implemented the new architecture, our costs dropped 50% overnight compared to the previous deployment. And the intangible benefits in terms of increased availability and reliability were amazing. We’re offering an over-the-top (OTT) consumer product…

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